Results for 'Ian Y. Blount'

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  1.  16
    How Do Large Purchasing Organizations Treat Their Diverse Suppliers? Minority Business Enterprise CEOs’ Perception of Corporate Commitment to Supplier Diversity.Ian Y. Blount - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (7):1708-1737.
    Supplier diversity programs were created in the United States nearly 50 years ago to encourage private sector companies to provide business opportunities to underutilized minority business enterprises. In order to assess the experiences that minority business enterprise CEOs have with large purchasing organizations and their perceptions of justice and commitment of large purchasing organizations to the buyer–supplier relationship (BSR), this study utilizes survey data collected from 206 minority business enterprise CEOs who supply large purchasing organizations that espouse a strong commitment (...)
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    Lo Visible y lo Invisible en el Dibujo.Ian Dutari - 2006 - Polis 1 (9):64-69.
  3. Young peoples same-sex relationships sexual health and well-being.Peter Aggleton, Ian Warwick, Paul Boyce, Y. Sahip, J. M. Turan, A. Swidler, S. C. Watkins, C. O. Izugbara, F. N. Modo & A. Agardh - 2007 - Journal of Biosocial Science 39 (6):98-112.
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  4. La Libertad negativa y positiva.Ian Carter - 2010 - Astrolabio 10:15-35.
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    Unconscious and out of control: Subliminal priming is insensitive to observer expectations.Erin K. Cressman, Melanie Y. Lam, Ian M. Franks, James T. Enns & Romeo Chua - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (3):716-728.
    We asked whether the influence of an invisible prime on movement is dependent on conscious movement expectations. Participants reached to a central target, which triggered a directional prime–mask arrow sequence. Participants were instructed that the visible arrows would most often signal a movement modification in a specific direction. Kinematic analyses revealed that responses to the visible mask were influenced by participants’ intentional bias, as movements were fastest when the more probable mask was displayed. In addition, responses were influenced by the (...)
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    El Platón Esotèrico y la Tradición Analítica.Ian Mueller - 1993 - Méthexis 6 (2):111-130.
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    Joseph Y. Halpern's Actual Causality. [REVIEW]Ian Ian Rosenberg & Clark Glymour - 2018 - BJPS Review of Books.
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  8. Buddhisms and Deconstructions.Jane Augustine, Zong-qi Cai, Simon Glynn, Gad Horowitz, Roger Jackson, E. H. Jarow, Steven W. Laycock, David R. Loy, Ian Mabbett, Frank W. Stevenson, Youru Wang & Ellen Y. Zhang - 2006 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Buddhisms and Deconstructions considers the connection between Buddhism and Derridean deconstruction, focusing on the work of Robert Magliola. Fourteen distinguished contributors discuss deconstruction and various Buddhisms—Indian, Tibetan, and Chinese —followed by an afterword in which Magliola responds directly to his critics.
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    Like Wiggins I am concerned with the proposition 4 (x)(y)((*= jyO=> B (y= x)) and its derivation from.Ian Hacking - 1976 - In John P. Cleave & Stephan Körner, Philosophy of logic: papers and discussions. Berkeley: University of California Press. pp. 147.
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    The Epistemological Consequences of Artificial Intelligence, Precision Medicine, and Implantable Brain-Computer Interfaces.Ian Stevens - 2024 - Voices in Bioethics 10.
    ABSTRACT I argue that this examination and appreciation for the shift to abductive reasoning should be extended to the intersection of neuroscience and novel brain-computer interfaces too. This paper highlights the implications of applying abductive reasoning to personalized implantable neurotechnologies. Then, it explores whether abductive reasoning is sufficient to justify insurance coverage for devices absent widespread clinical trials, which are better applied to one-size-fits-all treatments. INTRODUCTION In contrast to the classic model of randomized-control trials, often with a large number of (...)
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    La prueba anticipada en el proceso penal y su aplicación en la garantía de la protección de los derechos de las víctimas vulnerables y los derechos del imputado.Ian Lionel Yaguachi Sandoya & Ana Fabiola Zamora Vázquez - 2025 - Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History 6 (11):e250181.
    El acceso a la justicia es un derecho inherente de cada una de las personas dentro de los procesos penales a través de los diferentes mecanismos, uno de ellos es la prueba anticipada, materia de estudio del presente artículo; cuyo objetivo general es analizar el uso de la prueba anticipada en el proceso penal y su impacto en la protección de víctimas vulnerables y en los derechos fundamentales del imputado, para el mejoramiento de los mecanismos que permitan un equilibrio adecuado (...)
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    The Thin White Line: Adaptation Suggests a Common Neural Mechanism for Judgments of Asian and Caucasian Body Size.Lewis Gould-Fensom, Chrystalle B. Y. Tan, Kevin R. Brooks, Jonathan Mond, Richard J. Stevenson & Ian D. Stephen - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Expressivity in polygonal, plane mereotopology.Ian Pratt & Dominik Schoop - 2000 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 65 (2):822-838.
    In recent years, there has been renewed interest in the development of formal languages for describing mereological (part-whole) and topological relationships between objects in space. Typically, the non-logical primitives of these languages are properties and relations such as `x is connected' or `x is a part of y', and the entities over which their variables range are, accordingly, not points, but regions: spatial entities other than regions are admitted, if at all, only as logical constructs of regions. This paper considers (...)
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  14.  26
    El rol de la cultura en la diplomacia iberoamericana. Análisis de las Declaraciones de las Cumbres Iberoamericanas de Jefes de Estado y de Gobierno.Ian Henríquez - 2021 - Araucaria 23 (47).
    This work discusses the role of culture in diplomacy. Dialogue is indispensable for diplomacy, which, in order to be fruitful, cannot do without culture. In the case of Ibero-America, culture is shown as a clear opportunity for stable bonding and lasting peace. What has been the role assigned to culture at the Ibero-American Summits of Heads of State and Government? To answer this question, the research method we have followed has been threefold: bibliographic sources, expert interviews and text analysis of (...)
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  15.  22
    Joseph Y. Halpern. Reasoning about Uncertainty. MIT Press Cambridge, MA, 2003, xiv + 483 pp. [REVIEW]Ian Pratt-Hartmann - 2004 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 10 (3):427-429.
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    Jonathan Y. Tsou: Philosophy of Psychiatry. [REVIEW]Ian Tully - 2024 - Journal of Value Inquiry 58 (1):169-173.
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    A possible role for non-gamma oscillations in conscious perception: Implications for hallucinations in schizophrenia.Ian J. Kirk - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (6):798-798.
    Behrendt & Young (B&Y) propose a useful theoretical framework for the study of processes underlying perception and hallucinations. It focuses on gamma oscillations in thalamocortical networks and the role of the reticular thalamic nucleus in modulating these oscillations. I suggest that their theoretical model might also be applied to the investigation of temporal encoding deficits in disorders such as dyslexia. I further suggest, however, that a role for slower rhythms, such as theta, might also be considered when investigating perceptual experience.
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    The Logic of Physiognomony in the Late Renaissance.Ian Maclean - 2011 - Early Science and Medicine 16 (4):275-295.
    This article studies the advances made in the logic of Renaissance physiognomy from the state of the subject in antiquity and the Middle Ages. The properties and accidents of the human body are investigated in the context of the signs selected by physiognomers, whether univocal or in syndromes, strong or weak in character, negative or positive, consistent with each other or contradictory. When these signs are translated into propositions, the construction of argument which flows from them is shown to ut (...)
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  19.  41
    An Anatomy of Thought the Origin and Machinery of Mind.Ian Glynn - 1999 - Oxford University Press.
    Love, fear, hope, calculus, and game shows-how do all these spring from a few delicate pounds of meat? Neurophysiologist Ian Glynn lays the foundation for answering this question in his expansive An Anatomy of Thought, but stops short of committing to one particular theory. The book is a pleasant challenge, presenting the reader with the latest research and thinking about neuroscience and how it relates to various models of consciousness. Combining the aim of a textbook with the style of a (...)
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  20.  58
    Three models of the international rule of law.Ian Hurd - 2015 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 23:37-48.
    While it is common to refer to the international rule of law, it is less common to define it or to explore what it means. In this essay I examine the international rule of law both in practice and as a concept. This is important because many controversies about the direction of world politics in fact rest on different accounts of the international rule of law. Understanding the various ways the idea is used, and their implications for policy-choices, can help (...)
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  21. Hacking on the looping effects of psychiatric classifications: What is an interactive and indifferent kind?Jonathan Y. Tsou - 2007 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 21 (3):329 – 344.
    This paper examines Ian Hacking's analysis of the looping effects of psychiatric classifications, focusing on his recent account of interactive and indifferent kinds. After explicating Hacking's distinction between 'interactive kinds' (human kinds) and 'indifferent kinds' (natural kinds), I argue that Hacking cannot claim that there are 'interactive and indifferent kinds,' given the way that he introduces the interactive-indifferent distinction. Hacking is also ambiguous on whether his notion of interactive and indifferent kinds is supposed to offer an account of classifications or (...)
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    Elementary polyhedral mereotopology.Ian Pratt-Hartmann & Dominik Schoop - 2002 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 31 (5):469-498.
    A region-based model of physical space is one in which the primitive spatial entities are regions, rather than points, and in which the primitive spatial relations take regions, rather than points, as their relata. Historically, the most intensively investigated region-based models are those whose primitive relations are topological in character; and the study of the topology of physical space from a region-based perspective has come to be called mereotopology. This paper concentrates on a mereotopological formalism originally introduced by Whitehead, which (...)
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  23. The Reality and Classification of Mental Disorders.Jonathan Y. Tsou - 2008 - Dissertation, University of Chicago
    This dissertation examines psychiatry from a philosophy of science perspective, focusing on issues of realism and classification. Questions addressed in the dissertation include: What evidence is there for the reality of mental disorders? Are any mental disorders natural kinds? When are disease explanations of abnormality warranted? How should mental disorders be classified? -/- In addressing issues concerning the reality of mental disorders, I draw on the accounts of realism defended by Ian Hacking and William Wimsatt, arguing that biological research on (...)
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  24.  77
    Ontología histórica Y nominalismo dinámico: La propuesta de Ian Hacking para las ciencias humanas.María Laura Martínez - 2010 - Cinta de Moebio 39:130-141.
    En los últimos años Ian Hacking se ha dedicado a trabajar principalmente acerca de las ciencias humanas. El objetivo de este artículo es presentar algunas de las nociones acuñadas por el filósofo canadiense -fundamentalmente las de ontología histórica y nominalismo dinámico- para dicho ámbito. A par..
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    Review of Recent Russian Studies of Hermann Cohen’s Philosophy. [REVIEW]Ivan Y. Lapshin & Julia G. Karagod - 2024 - Kantian Journal 43 (2):172-193.
    The review covers scholarly publications devoted to the philosophy of Hermann Cohen, the head of the Marburg School of Neo­Kantianism, written by Russ­ ian researchers in the period between 2000 and 2023. Although Cohen commanded unquestioned authorityamong Russian philosophers of his time — among them some followers and pupils — there was no systematic and substantive study of his work in pre­revolutionary Russia. The review below attempts to show the evidentgrowth of interest in Cohen’s philosophy in the last quarter of (...)
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  26. Ian Hancking y el realismo científico.Ignacio J. Antón Boix - 2003 - Estudios Filosóficos 52 (150):345-357.
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  27. Objectivity in Science: New Perspectives From Science and Technology Studies.Flavia Padovani, Alan Richardson & Jonathan Y. Tsou (eds.) - 2015 - Cham: Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science, vol. 310. Springer.
    This highly multidisciplinary collection discusses an increasingly important topic among scholars in science and technology studies: objectivity in science. It features eleven essays on scientific objectivity from a variety of perspectives, including philosophy of science, history of science, and feminist philosophy. Topics addressed in the book include the nature and value of scientific objectivity, the history of objectivity, and objectivity in scientific journals and communities. Taken individually, the essays supply new methodological tools for theorizing what is valuable in the pursuit (...)
  28.  15
    Ian G. Barbour, Religión y ciencia. Traducción de J. M. Lozano; Trotta, Madrid, 2004; 566 pp. [REVIEW]José Joaquín Castellón Martín - 2023 - Isidorianum 13 (26):569-572.
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    (1 other version)Aquilatando el horror. Ian Smillie (2010), Piedras con sangre. Avaricia, corrupción y guerra en el comercio internacional de diamantes, Madrid, Plaza y Valdés, 2012.Ester Massó Guijarro - 2012 - Dilemata 9:251-258.
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    Una filosofía social de la ciencia. Recepciones y apropiaciones en y de la obra de Ian Hacking.María de los Ángeles Martini - 2023 - Análisis Filosófico 43 (2):355-364.
    Repensar la obra de un filósofo a la luz de sus influencias constituye una tarea que exige asumir los sentidos diferentes que conlleva la noción de influencia: la elección de los “antecesores”, con la que el filósofo configura su propio canon, las apropiaciones que realiza de las obras elegidas, así como también las reapropiaciones que los analistas críticos llevan a cabo respecto de las recepciones y apropiaciones de la obra del filósofo. Las tradiciones son relaciones causales construidas desde el presente. (...)
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  31.  22
    Ian Howard, Swein Forkbeard's Invasions and the Danish Conquest of England, 991–1017. (Warfare in History.) Woodbridge, Eng., and Rochester, N.Y.: Boydell and Brewer, 2003. Pp. xiv, 188; 14 black-and-white figures and tables. $75. [REVIEW]Richard Abels - 2006 - Speculum 81 (2):533-536.
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  32.  18
    El Nuevo Experimentalismo en España: entre Ian Hacking y Gustavo Bueno.Carlos M. Madrid Casado - 2016 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 11.
    ResumenEl nuevo experimentalismo todavía no es muy conocido en España. Sin embargo, este artículo propone que el filósofo español Gustavo Bueno mantiene bastantes ideas comunes con el filósofo experimentalista Ian Hacking. Ambos centran su atención sobre la propia práctica experimental. En realidad, ambos conciben la ciencia como intervención o manipulación y, en consecuencia, critican el estatuto científico de la Astrofísica y la Cosmología. Finalmente, se muestra que el realismo materialista de Bueno guarda una posición paralela a la del realismo experimental (...)
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  33. Realismo estructurista y nominalismo científico.Sergio Aramburu - 2020 - Scientia in Verba Magazine 6 (1):157-177.
    Este trabajo presenta y analiza dos posturas acerca de las representaciones y clasificaciones científicas que Ian Hacking en ¿La construcción social de qué? denomina realismo o estructurismo inherente y nominalismo. La primera sostiene que las divisiones del conocimiento científico expresan o reflejan divisiones estructurales de la realidad a la que se refieren, en tanto que la segunda considera que toda división o estructura atribuida por la ciencia a la realidad se encuentra sólo en las representaciones mismas. Se sostiene que tal (...)
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    Epistemología y meta-epistemología histórica.María Laura Martínez Rodríguez - 2023 - Revista Colombiana de Filosofía de la Ciencia 23 (46).
    Lorraine Daston ha señalado la influencia que The emergence of probability de Ian Hacking ha tenido en su trayectoria intelectual y en su elección de la etiqueta epistemología histórica para describir su trabajo. Hacking, por su parte, ha respondido a estos señalamientos que, en primer lugar, Daston y sus colegas no hacen epistemología, sino que más bien estudian conceptos epistemológicos como objetos que evolucionan y mutan; en segundo lugar, que su trabajo sobre la probabilidad no es epistemología histórica sino, en (...)
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  35. (1 other version)Manipulabilidad Y entidades inobservables (manipulability and unobservable entities).Valeriano Iranzo - 2000 - Theoria 15 (1):131-153.
    Una estrategia recientemente utilizada por los defensores deI realismo científico ha sido derivar implicaciones ontológicas deI contexto manipulativo-experimental. EI artículo pretende comparar y valorar dos enfoques diferentes deI argumento de la manipulabilidad -I. Hacking y R. Harré-, cuya idea basíca es que, de cara a establecer la existencia de una entidad, manipularla puede ser tan importante corno observarla. Por último, a fin de evitar los aspectos más cuestionables de ambos enfoques, propongo entender la eficacia manipulativa corno obtención de informacion fiable. (...)
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  36.  14
    Estilos y estratos para el estudio de controversias científicas.Olga Varela Machado & Juliana Gutiérrez Valderrama - 2022 - Ideas Y Valores 71:113-137.
    En el artículo planteamos una categoría para el estudio de controversias científicas, controversias sobre estilos, y proponemos una herramienta de análisis para dar cuenta de ellas. Para ello, hacemos uso de la noción de estilo de razonamiento de Ian Hacking y la metáfora de una historia por estratos. Mostraremos que las controversias sobre estilos tienen la particularidad de persistir en el tiempo, evolucionar e involucrar discusiones y debates en múltiples niveles. Para ilustrar nuestra propuesta, presentamos la controversia cuántica como un (...)
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    El padre J. Brown y James Bond: construcción estereotipada del espía británico en colisión.Jesús Miguel Delgado Del Aguila - 2025 - Olho D’Água 16 (2):102-119.
    Este artículo aborda los factores que permiten el desenvolvimiento natural de los detectives de la lengua británica: el padre Brown de Chesterton y James Bond, el agente 007, de Ian Fleming. Para hacer posible este estudio, recurro al análisis comparativo entre ambos personajes que componen el universo de las novelas policiales y de espionaje: caracterización del protagonista, personajes secundarios en su función complementaria o antagónica y el modo de solucionar un caso policial por parte del héroe.
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  38. Frederick R. Steiner (ed): The Essential Ian McHarg: Writings on Design and Nature, 2006. [REVIEW]Ruth Beilin - 2013 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 26 (3):711-720.
    Frederick R. Steiner (ed): The Essential Ian McHarg: Writings on Design and Nature, 2006 Content Type Journal Article Pages 1-10 DOI 10.1007/s10806-009-9217-y Authors Ruth Beilin, University of Melbourne Landscape Sociologist, Department of Resource Management and Geography, Melbourne School of Land and Environment Melbourne VIC 3010 Australia Journal Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics Online ISSN 1573-322X Print ISSN 1187-7863.
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    Analogía, Ciencias Sociales y Religión.Eduardo Federico Gutierrez Gonzalez & S. J. Luis Fernando Munera Congote - 2017 - Philosophia 2 (77):67-93.
    In this text, we ask if analogy can enable a dialogue between religion and the social sciences. To do so, we focus in the conflict between the biblical understanding of man as a created being and the notion of human nature as a social construct. Although there seems to be a fundamental dispute in social constructivism between nature and freedom (Ian Hacking), we consider analogical reasoning (Mauricio Beuchot) enables anthropological views, like Philip Hefner’s, that include central aspects of the doctrine (...)
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    Mercado global y ciudadanía civil. La recuperación del horizonte de la emancipación humana en la filosofía política de Franz Hinkelammert.Estela Fernández Nadal - 2004 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 9 (25):9-33.
    Based on a crit i cal analisis of the fun da - men tal works of Hinkelammert, an at tempt is made to sys tem atize his eth i cal and po lit i cal thoughts in ref er ence to the op po si tion be tween “global mar ket/civic cit i zen ship”. The ef fort to re cover the lib er tar ian potencial in ..
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  41. The SAGE Handbook of the Philosophy of Social Sciences by Ian Jarvie & Jesús Zamora-Bonilla, eds. [REVIEW]Johanna Thoma - 2014 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 29 (2):311-315.
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    Hacking Kuhn.Mauricio Suárez - 2003 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 28 (2):261-284.
    Thomas Kuhn’s work, particularly his famous book Structure of Scientific Revolutions, is often interpreted as a failed attempt to defend four radical thesis about science: epistemic pessimism, semantic relativism, methodological irrationalism and metaphysical idealism. In this paper I argue that such interpretation depends essentially on a false model of scientific knowledge, according to which the objects of scientific belief are always explanatory scientific theories, which are in turn empirically confirmed by means of a direct comparison with observable data and facts. (...)
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    José Agustín Caballero y los orígenes de la conciencia cubana.Agramonte Y. Pichardo & Roberto Daniel - 1952 - Habana,: Biblioteca del Departamento de Intercambio Cultural de la Universidad de la Habana.
  44. What is it like to be someone else? Simulation and empathy.Ian Ravenscroft - 1998 - Ratio 11 (2):170-185.
    This paper explores two models of empathy. One model places theory centre stage; the other emphasises our capacity to re‐enact fragments of another's mental life. I argue that considerations of parsimony strongly support the latter, simulative approach. My results have consequences for the current debate between the theory‐theory and simulation theory. That debate is standardly conceived as a debate about mental state attribution rather than about empathy. However, on the simulation model, empathy and mental state attribution involve a common mechanism. (...)
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    A complete axiom system for polygonal mereotopology of the real plane.Ian Pratt & Dominik Schoop - 1998 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 27 (6):621-658.
    This paper presents a calculus for mereotopological reasoning in which two-dimensional spatial regions are treated as primitive entities. A first order predicate language ℒ with a distinguished unary predicate c(x), function-symbols +, · and - and constants 0 and 1 is defined. An interpretation ℜ for ℒ is provided in which polygonal open subsets of the real plane serve as elements of the domain. Under this interpretation the predicate c(x) is read as 'region x is connected' and the function-symbols and (...)
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  46. La justicia común y la social.Baldomero Argente Y. Del Castillo - 1962 - Valencia,: Fomento de Cultura.
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    XI—The True and the False1.Ian Wilson - 1967 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 67 (1):169-178.
    Ian Wilson; XI—The True and the False1, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 67, Issue 1, 1 June 1967, Pages 169–178,
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    (1 other version)Obras de José Ortega y Gasset.José Ortega Y. Gasset - 1921-1922 - Caple.
    6 volumenes: 1. Meditaciones del Quijote, I. 3a ed. 2. Personas, obras, cosas. 2a ed. 3. España invertebrada. 4-6. El espectador. t. 1-3. 2a ed.
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    Luis Legaz Lacambra, figura y pensamiento.Luis Legaz Y. Lacambra & Vidal Abril Castelló (eds.) - 1993 - Madrid: [Universidad Complutense de Madrid], Facultad de Derecho, Servicio Publicaciones.
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  50. Marxismo, ética y filosofía (¿ Qué normatividad para la crítica del capitalismo: ética o moral?).Y. Quiniou - 2000 - Actuel-Marx 1.
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